Loan Boxes:
The Industrial revolution
Loan Box 4: Victorian Britain (KS2)
KS2 Loan Box Contents:
- Victorian copy of the London Times
- A carriage clock
- Replica vintage football
- Replica crate containing fresh produce
- Replica crate containing fresh seafood
- Replica fish and chips portion
- Replica parcels and letters
- Replica bucket and spade
- Replica candlestick telephone
Teachers Pack
- Background information about the Industrial Revolution and the growth of the railways
- Information about the picture packs and how to use them.
- A series of teaching resources and activities including:
- Travelling the long way round – a writing or role play activity exploring what pre-railway transport was like.
- For or against the railways – a drama-based activity exploring some of the different views about the building of the railways.
- Re-defining the landscape – a discussion activity, exploring the impact that industrialisation had on Britain’s environment and landscape.
- Was the Industrial Revolution a force for good? A planning frame to support either discussion or written work exploring the positive and negative aspects of industrialisation.