Loan Boxes: Seaside holidays
Loan Box 1: A Trip to the Seaside (EYFS/KS1)
EYFS & KS1 Loan Box Contents:
- Replica Victorian bathing costumes (to fit EYFS/KS1 boy and girl)
- A pair of replica Victorian sun hats
- A lace parasol
- A Victorian glass ‘Penny Lick’
- A tin bucket and wooden spade
- A set of vintage local souvenirs
- A mini replica deck chair
- A replica stick of rock
- A collection of shells
- A set of Punch and Judy Puppets
Exploring and comparing how seaside holidays have changed over time with links to local history through the development of Minehead from a small town to a big attraction.
Contents: Loan Box – left; Teachers’ Pack – below
Teachers Pack Contains:
- Background information about Victorian seaside holidays
- Information about the picture packs and how to use them.
- A series of teaching resources and activities including:
- Packing for your holiday – a sorting and sticking activity, drawing on familiar experience, by exploring what children take to the beach now.
- The Journey – a role play activity, encouraging children to imagine what it might have been like to travel by steam train.
- Writing a postcard – a role play or writing activity, encouraging children to write as a Victorian child.
- Punch and Judy – a puppet making activity, exploring some of the origins of the famous puppet show.
- Seaside Sorting – a sorting and comparison activity, focusing on exploring the different materials used to make seaside equipment past and present.
Exploring and comparing how seaside holidays have changed over time with links to local history through the development of Minehead from a small town to a big attraction.
EYFS & KS1 Loan Box Contents:
- Replica Victorian bathing costumes (to fit EYFS/KS1 boy and girl)
- A pair of replica Victorian sun hats
- A lace parasol
- A Victorian glass ‘Penny Lick’
- A tin bucket and wooden spade
- A set of vintage local souvenirs
- A mini replica deck chair
- A replica stick of rock
- A collection of shells
- A set of Punch and Judy Puppets
Teachers Pack Contains:
- Background information about Victorian seaside holidays
- Information about the picture packs and how to use them.
- A series of teaching resources and activities including:
- Packing for your holiday – a sorting and sticking activity, drawing on familiar experience, by exploring what children take to the beach now.
- The Journey – a role play activity, encouraging children to imagine what it might have been like to travel by steam train.
- Writing a postcard – a role play or writing activity, encouraging children to write as a Victorian child.
- Punch and Judy – a puppet making activity, exploring some of the origins of the famous puppet show.
- Seaside Sorting – a sorting and comparison activity, focusing on exploring the different materials used to make seaside equipment past and present.