West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust WSRHT

Coaches at Dunster

Posted on December 19, 2016

Eight volunteers formed a working party on 27 November 2016 to replace damaged covers on Collett BTK no 5131 which had been damaged by the wind in this exposed spot. Serious damage was also discovered to the cover on the adjacent coach, Toplight TK 2578, which will have to be dealt with in the ‘closed’ period in January. Invading undergrowth was also cleared to prevent damage and improve access to the coaches.

The first photo (taken by Chris Austin) shows volunteers pulling a new cover over Collett bow-ended brake third coach no 5131. In the picture (from L to R) are Allan Howles, Ray Clack and Jennie Dunse, while Mike Dunse in the background is clearing vegetation to provide access to the adjacent coaches.


A further four photos have been provided by Allan Howles, this shows the situation before starting, work in progress, and then the completed job.




The fourth picture shows (from left to right) Mike and Jennie Dunse, Greg McNelly, Mike Jones (with his back to the camera), Chris Austin, Tim Randle and Ray Clack. Allan Howles took the latter four photos.


Update provided by Claire Sheppy.